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Starter code for the Duke project

User Guide

Welcome to YunYun Chatbot!


Ability to Add Various Tasks

Able to have three different kinds of tasks for your different needs.



Lists all the tasks that you have added so far including information about whether it is done and timing information for certain tasks

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

List Output

todo [task description]

Adds a ToDo task to the list of tasks. A ToDo tasks is a task with just a description and nothing else.

Example of usage:

todo Read Book

Expected outcome:

Todo Output

event [task description] / at [task timing]

Adds an Event task to the list of tasks. An Event task is a task with a description and timing.

Example of usage:

event Meet Jeff / at 1990-10-10

Expected outcome:

Event Output

deadline [task description] / by [task timing]

Adds a Deadline task to the list of tasks. A Deadline task is a task with a description and deadline.

Example of usage:

deadline Submit Homework / by 2020-10-10

Expected outcome:

Deadline Output

done [index]

Marks the task with the given index as done.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Done Output

delete [index]

Deletes the task with the given index.

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Delete Output

tag [tag description] [index]

Tags the task with the given index with a new tag with the given tag description.

Example of usage:

tag HighPriority 1

Expected outcome:

Tag Output